Search Results On recipies


  • pakore dishes, pakore dishes, how to make crispy bhaang pakora, Recipies

    How To Make Crispy Bhaang Pakora 2015-11-28 05:32:23

    Bhaang pakore is a speciality dish that is usually made during the festival of Holi. However, any time is a good time to prepare this popular snack and enjoy with friends and family. Here is the recipe for bhang ke...

    Keywords: pakore dishes, pakore dishes, Bhaang pakore, snack recipies

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    idili recipies, idili recipies, semiya idili recipe for unique taste, Recipies

    Semiya idili recipe for unique taste 2016-01-29 05:04:35

    Try out a different idili with Semiya. Semiya idili tastes different and you can serve it with coconut chutney, pudhina chutney or sambar. Semiya idili is little more than compared to normal idili. Use thin semiya or substitute with thick...

    Keywords: idili recipies, Semiya idili, idili recipies, Semiya idili

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    pumpkin sharbat, Orange sharbat, sharbat recipes to quench your thirst, Recipies

    Sharbat Recipes To Quench Your Thirst 2015-10-10 07:28:52

    Having a cool tasty drink in a hot day or any evening makes you feel life saving. And if it can be prepared at home within minutes, it is even fantastic. Check out these cool, refreshing sharbat recipies. Orange sharbat...

    Keywords: pumpkin sharbat, Orange sharbat, sharbat recipies, Orange sharbat

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    Vermicelli biryani, Vermicelli biryani, delicious vermicelli biryani, Recipies

    Delicious Vermicelli biryani! 2016-04-11 12:20:47

    Try this different recipe with Semiya! Prepare a quick, delicious semiya biryani that is good for breakfast or lunch or even dinner. It is simple to prepare and does not need much of your time. Check out the recipe. Preparation...

    Keywords: biryani varieties, Semiya biryani, Semiya biryani, biryani varieties

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