Search Results On online payment

online payment

  • contact tracing, covid-19 tracker, keep an eye out on the covid 19 trackers you are downloading, Online payment

    Keep an eye out on the Covid-19 trackers you are downloading 2020-05-09 09:23:40

    Irrespective of which country you reside in, it is likely that you have a nationwide covid-19 tracker application that has been advised by the federal government to be downloaded. With the pandemic raging through the world, the technologists have been...

    Keywords: apps, covid-19, GPS, contact tracing

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    online payment apps in India, whatsapp pay, whatsapp pay soon in india twitterati says rip paytm, Online payment

    WhatsApp Pay Soon in India, Twitterati Says ‘RIP Paytm’ 2019-05-06 12:18:57

    Facebook Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg recently proclaimed he is actively working on to launch WhatsApp Pay in India. Consequently, Twitterati on Monday went insane Tweeting how it can hamper Paytm’s future plans spread like a wildfire. IANS on Sunday...

    Keywords: paytm in India, whatsapp pay, online payment apps in India, whatsapp pay in India

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    foreign, foreigners in India, record number of foreigners visited india this year on e visa, Online payment

    Record Number of Foreigners Visited India This Year on E-Visa 2018-11-15 10:01:34

    A total of 18.78 lakh foreigners toured India this year within the first 10 months on E-visa (Electronic-visa) - four times more than the 4.47 lakh figure registered in 2015 and the highest up to now. The maximum number of...

    Keywords: India, nicobar islands, andaman and nicobar, e visa

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    RTI, RTI act for NRIs, government nris cannot file rti applications, Online payment

    Government: NRIs Cannot File RTI Applications 2018-08-09 05:46:03

    The government proclaimed on Wednesday that Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) cannot file applications to Right to Information (RTI) in order to seek governance-related information from the Central government departments. "Only citizens of India have the right to seek information under the provisions...

    Keywords: RTI, NRIs, RTI, RTI

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    mobile banking, virtual automated teller machine, mobile phones to become atm small payments cheque book, Online payment

    Mobile phones to become ATM, small-payments cheque-book 2015-08-26 10:00:56

    After the new payments banks become operational, you may not have to depend on carrying cash in hand. Your mobile phones will turn as a virtual automated teller machine (ATM), bank branches and small-payments cheque-book. Thus going forwards, your mobile...

    Keywords: mobile banking, virtual automated teller machine, virtual automated teller machine, ATMs

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