Search Results On nri voters (Page 1 of 3)

nri voters (Page 1 of 3)

  • lok sabha elections 2019, lok sabha election 2019 schedule date, lok sabha elections 2019 schedule phase wise details all that you need to know, Nri voters

    Lok Sabha Elections 2019: Schedule, Phase-Wise Details, All That You Need to Know 2019-04-02 06:33:02

    The first phase of Lok Sabha elections in India will be held in seven phases from April 11 to May 19. The seven phases will cover 543 constituencies. The result of the elections will be out on May 23. The...

    Keywords: lok sabha election date, lok sabha elections 2019 schedule in india, lok sabha elections 2019 schedule in india, lok sabha elections 2019 schedule in india

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    Sudhindraa Hebbaar, Hebbaar, indian origin man quits job in australia to vote for pm modi in indian general elections, Nri voters

    Indian Origin Man Quits Job in Australia to Vote for PM Modi in Indian General Elections 2019-04-15 05:56:40

    Despite staying in India many people by purpose failed to cast their valuable vote in still afoot Lok Sabha elections but a man hailing from Mangalore and settled in Australia stood out from all to make a decision in his...

    Keywords: 2014 general elections, Pm modi in lok sabha elections, indians in australia, indians in australia

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    overseas indian voters portal, can nri vote in india, grim response from telugu nris for lok sabha elections, Nri voters

    Grim Response from Telugu NRIs for Lok Sabha Elections 2019-03-22 04:57:51

    Despite potent dissemination regarding the NRI voting is put into effect, the Telangana State Election Commission is receiving a lukewarm response from natives of Telangana putting down roots in foreign parts.The Telangana election office received just 585 applications from non-resident...

    Keywords: nris, nri voting registration online, election commission of india, telugu nris for lok sabha elections

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    Election Commissioner Sushil Chandra, voting for NRIs, nri voting is very much focus for us election commissioner sushil chandra, Nri voters

    ‘NRI Voting Is Very Much Focus for Us’: Election Commissioner Sushil Chandra 2019-07-24 06:02:12

    Months after India had its general elections, Election Commissioner Sushil Chandra on Tuesday called on all Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) to register online to boost the numbers of such voters ahead of provisions being put in place for either proxy voting...

    Keywords: voting for NRIs, NRI voting, registration of NRI voters, election commission

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    NRI voters in Oman, NRI Voter Joystan Lobo, nri voter flaunts his flight ticket on social media someone goes and secretly cancels it, Nri voters

    NRI Voter Flaunts His Flight Ticket on Social Media, Someone Goes and Secretly Cancels It 2019-04-15 06:08:40

    Non-Resident Indians invariably be excited to visit their home country, while some unveil it by sharing with their closed ones some go to an extent of sharing particulars on social media, which sometimes be a drawback. An Indian origin man...

    Keywords: Flight Ticket on Social Media, Oman, Indians in oman, posting flight ticket on social media

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    nri voting rights bill, nri voting 2019, meet the 32 year old indian american who traveled for over 30 hours just to vote in general elections, Nri voters

    Meet the 32-Year-Old Indian American Who Traveled for over 30 Hours Just to Vote in General Elections 2019-04-12 06:15:43

    Despite being in India scores of voters didn’t turn up to exercise their franchise but a 32-year-old job holder in the United States traveled from New York to Nagpur spending a bomb just to cast his vote. Ashish Sharma, who...

    Keywords: eci nri vote, nri voting quora, nri voting, nri voting rights bill

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