Search Results On gvm


  • movie reviews, GVMC, commissioner to decongest city, Gvm

    Commissioner to decongest city 2011-09-03 12:46:30

    The Commissioner, Mr B. Ramanjaneyulu, held a high-level meeting with his officials on Friday and issued directions so as to decongest the city within a short period. The Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation is going all out to regulate the traffic...

    Keywords: andhra news, real funny jokes, hot topics, abn news

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    lg gas leak, Vizag gas leak, hazardous gas leakage in visakhapatnam over 5000 people affected, Gvm

    Hazardous Gas Leakage In Visakhapatnam- Over 5000 People Affected 2020-05-07 08:33:18

    In Visakhapatnam thousands of people were affected due to a harmful gas leakage. The victims who were affected rushed to hospitals soon after the incident. 10 people died among the affected people.A child is included among the dead people. The...

    Keywords: 2020 gas leak, 2020 gas leak, 2020 gas leak, lg gas leak

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    Lagadapati Rajagopal, Bicycle ride in Vizag, lagadapati enjoys bicycle ride on beach road, Gvm

    Lagadapati enjoys bicycle ride on Beach Road 2012-01-30 10:41:30

    Vijayawada MP Lagadapati Rajagopal, who pedalled a bicycle in the vehicle-free zone on the Beach Road on Sunday morning, said he would discuss with the municipal authorities at Vijayawada the possibility of creating such a zone. Mr. Rajagopal, who pedalled...

    Keywords: Lagadapati Rajagopal, Municipal Commissioner Visag, vehicle-free zone, Lagadapati Rajagopal

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