Mark Zuckerberg Worries about Facebook Ban after Tik Tok Ban in India
July 22, 2020 15:01
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Facebook CEO and co-founder has expressed concern on Tik Tok ban in India recently.
The social media honcho Mark Zuckerberg told his employees that he found the Indian government’s move of banning Tik Tok worrisome. Tik Tok was one of the 59 Chinese apps that were banned by Indian government last month over increasing border tensions.
Though Facebook soon cashed the opportunity and introduced Instagram ‘Reels’, the Indian government’s reason behind banning the Tik Tok app did not convince Zuckerberg according to sources.
He expressed his worry that if India could ban an app with 200 million users in its own country without concrete reasons, it can also ban Facebook if something goes wrong in the security and privacy of the app.
Facebook’s founder is particularly worried about India’s ban on its app because he is already in a truffle with different countries involving national security concerns.
Mark finds that banning Tik Tok on security grounds by India is similar to several countries banning Facebook due to security concerns.
Facebook till now has not faced any issue with India but considering the debacle with other governments, Zuckerberg’s worry is acceptable.
In 2016, Facebook’s free basics service was banned in India by the telecom regulators and Indian government has cited the reason as violation of the principles of net neutrality. Since then, there has been no major issue of Facebook with India. With this free basics service, Facebook has planned to bring more unconnected users online.
Facebook is the top social media site being used across the world and Tik Tok comes second. Both the apps have majority of its users or customers from India.
At present, Facebook has 1.69 billion active users across the world and 280 million users solely from India.
Coming to Tik Tok, it is the number one video platform with majority of its users from India. India has banned the app along with 58 other Chinese apps citing security reasons last month.
However, there are allegations that with the border tensions across Galwan valley growing between India and China. Indian government decided to attack China by banning some its most prominent apps in India.
After this move by Indian government, Chinese troops along the Indian border at Galwan valley have moved back by 1.8 kms and tensions between the countries seems to subside.
Some of the significant Chinese apps banned by India include WeChat, Tik Tok, Camscanner, Vivavideo, Shareit, Shein, Club factory and UC Browser.
By Gayatri Yellayi