The music album of director Suparn Verma's psychological thriller 'Aatma' has six tracks. Going by the genre of the movie, the songs fit the mood of the movie even though the compositions are above average and lyrics are apt, the album is not so delightful.
A scary effect continued...
Sangeet Haldipur sung the first song 'Aaja nindiya' is slow moreover as the name suggests, it is like a lullaby. Going by the lyrics, it can be discovered as a sad and slightly scary song while the lyrics are in sync and whistling used in the song sounds soothing. Even if it gains pace in the middle, but overall it is a slow number while having rhythm and pace maintained throughout, making it melodious.
Next follows ‘Aatma theme’, which is an instrumental track, is more intense. In fact, use of the violin in the composition adds an element of sadness and as the song gains momentum, it shows a certain dramatic touch even if the whistles used in this version give a scary effect.
‘Jee le zyada’, sung by Nikhil Paul George, is like a ray of sunshine in a horror film’s music album while its colourful and peppy lyrics lift the mood. The song has such an distinctive feature about it that one falls in love with life. However, the happy song can be interpreted differently by different listeners if not an outstanding track, it can strike a chord with distinct listeners of a market.
Next comes the female version of ‘Jee le zyada’, which is high on energy and has been sung by Alyssa Mendonsa, Anusha Mani and Shefali Alvares making its music vigorous.
It's not spirited...
The album of ‘Aatma’ could have done without ‘Koi jaagi aankhein’. Anahita Irani sings it in an indistinctly depreciated manner and the composition has a feel of the 1960s and 1970s orchestra. It might look interesting while watching the movie, but as a standalone song, it neither entertains nor delivers goose bumps.
One can describe ‘Teri khatir’ as the pick of the album where the lyrics suit Suraj Jagan’s style of singing. Fact-fully, with too much of use of ‘Aatma’, this can be credited as the title track.
The song declines in the middle and the singer skillfully manages the changing tempo while the composition spells craziness, which may delight rock and hard music lovers, but it won’t have an impact to those who like soothing and soft numbers.
As a concluding fact, except for two songs, the ‘Aatma’ soundtrack is not lively or spirited. One doesn’t expect over-the-top compositions in a thriller, but the songs could have been catchy. The chances of their topping the charts is less, but not a bad option if you have an ear for all sorts of music.
After all music should uplift our spirit!
(Image source: Aatma film poster)
(AW:Samrat Biswas)