Search Results On social media platforms (Page 1 of 4)

social media platforms (Page 1 of 4)

  • WhatsApp Video Calls latest, WhatsApp Video Calls new updates, whatsapp rolls out new effects for video calls, Social media platforms

    WhatsApp Rolls Out New Effects for Video Calls 2024-12-13 09:41:29

    WhatsApp is rolling out several new features ahead of the holiday season to improve the voice and video calling experience across desktop and mobile platforms, the company announced on Thursday. Social media platforms now allow users to choose from more...

    Keywords: WhatsApp Video Calls new updates, WhatsApp Video Calls new features, WhatsApp, WhatsApp Video Calls crazy features

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    HMPV outbreak, HMPV outbreak in China breaking news, china calls hmpv outbreak as winter occurrence, Social media platforms

    China Calls HMPV Outbreak as 'Winter Occurrence' 2025-01-04 06:51:10

    The spread of human metapneumovirus (HMPV), a respiratory disease with symptoms similar to Covid-19, in China has raised global health concerns. Photos and videos of people wearing masks in Chinese hospitals have emerged on social media platforms, and according to...

    Keywords: HMPV, HMPV outbreak in China, HMPV outbreak, HMPV outbreak in China news

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    India’s 78th Independence Day celebrations, India’s 78th Independence Day breaking, india s 78th independence day history and significance, Social media platforms

    India’s 78th Independence Day: History and Significance 2024-08-14 09:08:28

    India is all set to honor its 78th year of independence on the 15th of August, 2024, a Thursday. This momentous occasion commemorates the day when India freed itself from British colonial domination on August 15, 1947, after a prolonged...

    Keywords: India’s 78th Independence Day latest, India’s 78th Independence Day celebrations, India’s 78th Independence Day live, India’s 78th Independence Day live

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    Mark Zuckerberg, Meta India breaking updates, meta india apologises for mark zuckerberg s remark on india polls, Social media platforms

    Meta India Apologises For Mark Zuckerberg's Remark On India Polls 2025-01-16 07:14:03

    Meta India said on Wednesday that its CEO Mark Zuckerberg had said that India's current government lost the 2024 elections because of its handling of the coronavirus pandemic, calling it an "unintentional mistake." The company said: "Mark's tips apply to...

    Keywords: Meta India breaking updates, Meta India news, Meta India news, Meta India breaking updates

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    Silicone patches for health, Silicone patches news, silicone patches for acne and anti ageing are viral, Social media platforms

    Silicone patches for acne and anti-ageing are viral 2024-11-27 14:23:17

    Who doesn't want clear and radiant skin? In fact, the entire $374 billion makeup and skin care industry often focuses its marketing efforts on one main goal: helping consumers achieve clear skin. However, this goal is often hindered by obstacles...

    Keywords: Silicone patches bad, Silicone patches new updates, Silicone patches latest breaking, Silicone patches impact

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    UK protests updates, Prime Minister, uk protest 400 arrested, Social media platforms

    UK protest: 400 arrested 2024-08-07 06:59:22

    Only very few nations in the world are without any sort of protests. Not Asia or Europe, the whole world burning with some sort of protests. In recent days, Britain has been struggling to bring back law and order control....

    Keywords: attack on non immigrant muslims, attack on non immigrant muslims, attack on muslims, UK protests updates

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