(Image source from: tubefilter.com)
The bad guy of youtube is yet not being kicked out according to CEO Susan Wojciciki. A consultant stated “We want to be consistent. When someone violates our policies three times, we terminate. We terminate accounts all the time”
Logan Paul has been bringing lot of fire lately to youtube as he makes videos with youth comedy and outrageous pranks. An online survey stated, “ his outrageous pranks have gone too far. In 2017 it was for running not-safe-for-work kids content that had been re-edited to include themes of violence and sex and for allowing extremist videos on the network”
Paul then responded with an apology tour with a short video and then with a longer video on suicide prevention. Then came back with a shocking tide pods tweets and rat video fueling the outrage.
His infractions count as two strikes and a spokesperson for Codemedia conference stated "We can’t just be pulling people off of our platform. They need to violate," three times. We’re working really hard on this," she said. "We’re working through the content to make sure we’re making the right recommendations."
The new report stated, “YouTube updated its overall violations policy Friday. Creators who violate the new policy can face sanctions like being removed from the preferred ad program, which means they'll earn less from their videos, or having ads removed altogether. Also, their work can be taken off the site's list of recommended videos”
Wojcicki said,”the policy update gives us more levers and opportunity to pull back services if creators violate YouTube terms. YouTube will increase the number of workers who oversee and review content to more than 10,000 next year”
“Human reviewers remain essential to both removing content and training machine learning systems because human judgment is critical to making contextualized decisions on content," she said in a blog post last year. At CodeMedia, she said, “computers would flag the content first, and the workers will follow up to double check. That many people and the machines will help. And if it doesn’t, we’ll add more people and more machines."
By Minu Manisha