(Image source from: Blood Test to Predict the Risk of Breast Cancer!})
Women of both developed and less developed states are victims of the breast cancer, which is remaining horrific for the families of the victims. According to a study that was published in Metabolomics, a new type of blood test could predict the possibility of getting the risk in coming 2-5 years.
The new method would benefit most of the women in long-term with precautions. So far mammography was one of the diagnosing methods to detect the presence of cancer in breasts. The mammography could able to diagnose the newly developed breast cancer with a sensitivity of 75 per cent, while new blood test is claimed to be maintaining the sensitivity of 80 percent.
Professor Rasmus Bro at University of Copenhagen said the new blood method was an amazing technique to predict the breast cancer in advanced or years before the occurrences. He stressed the method has been tested and validated only for a single population (cohort) and needs to be validated more widely before it can be used practically. The new method has been developed with the Danish Cancer Society’s cooperation.
The testing pattern was adopted from the food science, where the method is used for control of complex industrial processes. The researchers have analyzed huge amounts of biological data in a holistic and explorative approach.
Professor Rasmus Bro explained that when a huge amount of relevant measurements from many individuals was used to assess health risks, here breast cancer, it created very high quality information. The more measurements the analyses contained, the better the model handled complex problems.
However, the model has not revealed anything on the importance of the single biomarkers in relation to breast cancer, but it came across the importance of a set of biomarkers and their interactions.
If the pre-detecting or predicting technology gives good results, it will help crores of women across the globe to take precautions to prevent the life threatening disease. The mammography and other diagnosing methods were able get detect the disease after hitting by the breast cancer, that in later stages in most of the cases.