People with hearing problems need not wear external hearing aids anymore as Cochlear implants will restore basic hearing. A team of university students have prepared a tiny device that could be implanted in the middle ear where ear drum meets the hearing bones. A person who will be implanted with Cochlear devices will have to carry a microphone, speech processor and radio processor externally.
Cochlear device is very small and weights just 25 milli grams. Through an endoscopic surgery, the device will be fixed in the ear within a couple of hours. And once it’s implanted, the transmitter coil worn outside will send signals to the chip that’s fixed inside-under the skin. This will stimulate the auditory nerves and a person will be able to hear the sounds. It may be noted that when the device will be implanted, the doctors will bypass the ear canal, ear drum and hearing bones.
Talking about the new device, research leader, Prof. Darrin Young has said that it was a move to erase the conventional hearing aids that not makes a person feel embarrassed but will leave no scope for people to swim or wear a helmet. Keeping in view the same, Mr. Young said that they came out with this device. (Phani)